Plays contain the actual play metadata, including stats from NFL and Elias. This will contain Player, Team, and Game metadata some of which may be blank depending on the type of moment.
On Chain Fields
- FlowID
- Classification (Name TBC: example, PLAYER_GAME, TEAM_GAME, PLAYER_MELT, TEAM_MELT)
- Metadata (stored as a string map. This can technically be anything, but the agreeed upon fields are as follows)
- PlayType
- HomeTeamName
- AwayTeamName
- TeamName
- GameDate
- HomeTeamScore
- AwayTeamScore
- PlayerFirstName
- PlayerLastName
- PlayerPosition
- PlayerNumber
📄️ All Plays
Get all the AllDay Set structs.
📄️ Play By ID
Gets a Play struct for the given id if it exists.